Thursday, March 27, 2014


I got some of the pictures onto my computer to share with you.  Still working on the 9 month pics.  Here is our trip to Nevada and 10 months old.  

With grandma & grandpa and their friends.

Wasn't too sure about the grass.

Loved the pool!

Us on the strip, if you can see us!

Special drink!

Finally slept on the plane ride home.

Saying good bye to her monitor and other equipment we didn't ever use.

A little harder to get these pictures now.  She is always moving!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Time for Some Changes

It is amazing how a body changes with pregnancy.  I didn't even know what heart burn was and I remember doing an online search to figure it out before I even knew I was pregnant.  Then, the day I had Bayden, I remember thinking it was weird I hadn't had any tums that day.  I haven't had heart burn since the day before she was born.  I don't think I shed a single hair while I was pregnant, then when Bayden was about 6 weeks old, it was coming out in clumps.  Now I have all these short hairs growing back, if I didn't already have bangs I would have had to get them to cover up my thinning spots.  It would sure be nice if everything went back to how it was as fast as the heart burn thing.  My friends all warned me how somethings become smaller, some bigger, and other things are just in different places after pregnancy.  But you never really know what that will look like on your own body.  I was back to my pre pregnancy weight (I don't remember when), things were different, but I was okay with my body.  Then, I stopped breast feeding.  I didn't stop eating whatever I wanted though and have gained a few pounds back that have all went to my stomach making me look about 4 months pregnant again.  I ate whatever I wanted for about a year and half and I'm struggling to find time to exercise.  By the time I'm home from work, that gives us about 3 hours for supper, playing, bath, and then it's bed time.  Then, hubby and I like to hang out and watch some shows.

Last weekend, we got the treadmill set up and a TV hung by it.  I signed up for a 10 K and found a training plan.  I ran 3 times last week.  I'm still having trouble changing some eating habits that I know need to change, but hopefully I will get there.

My goals are:  drink more water, say no to treats at work, portion control, to look good for a wedding in April, train and run a 10 K in May, walk with the dog and Bayden once it gets nice out, look better for a wedding in June, be able to wear a swimming suit this summer, and run a half in October.

If only it all came off as fast as my hair did!

Months 9 and 10

We will have an 11 month old in a few days and I am just finally posting about months 9 and 10.  I guess we have been as busy as our little gal is!  This is such a fun age and she is growing up so fast.

9 months:  At about 9 1/2 months, Bayden started crawling forward.  It was the dog's toy that she first crawled to.  A few days later, on super bowl Sunday, she started pulling herself up on furniture to stand up.  At her 9 month appointment, she weighed in at 16 pounds.  Still tiny.  You wouldn't think that watching her eat, she loves to eat.  We know she won't be a vegetarian, her favorite food is meat, especially deli meat.  She loves daycare and they tell me that she loves art time and really gets into her projects!  She took her first trip on an airplane at nine months.  She was a great traveler and enjoyed seeing her grandparents, swimming, and the warmer weather.  She was a very friendly passenger and jumped into the arms of 3 nice people on the airplane rides.  It was also at this time that she discovered how her wrists can move and that she could twirl things with them.  She was doing that all the time.  

10  months:  At 10 months, Bayden started walking around furniture.  This is also when she started to dance!  It is the cutest thing.  Whenever one of her toys starts playing music, she hears something on tv, or her daddy starts singing (I won't embarrass him and share the song here); she starts bouncing with a big smile because she knows how cute it must be.  Sometimes her arms go up too if she's really into it.  She is also trying to copy our actions and noises.  She has discovered pointing and uses her little pointer fingers to point at everything and nothing, also very cute.  At her 10 month appointment she weighed 16 pounds 7 ounces.  She finally had her last appointment with the nicu doctor at 10 months because he finally discontinued the apnea monitor!  It was an exciting day.  She now has more pajama options than just snaps to let her cords through and she can also have lotion all over instead of avoiding where her belt was and the little sore spots from the belt rubbing are gone too.  I asked if he ever had a baby on a monitor as long and he said 6 months was the longest and that was a rare situation.....  Not sure what took our little one so long, but she is healthy and happy so that's all that matters.  We are pretty sure she has broken a couple records in her young life:  longest nicu stay for a 33 weeker and longest time a baby was on an apnea monitor.  While she still loves for anyone to hold her, now she likes to look around for awhile first.  Once she is comfortable though, she reaches to anyone who talks to her.  A lot of people talk to her when we are out and about, usually it's about her hair!  She went to her first college hockey game at 10 months.  She didn't enjoy it as much because of her top teeth coming in (she has 4 teeth now) and a cold.  She enjoyed her last breast milk bottle last week and is now on 3 or 4 formula bottles and regular food each day.

I have some cute pics of saying goodbye to the monitor, our trip, and months 9 and 10, but I'm having trouble getting them on the computer for some reason.  I will work on it and try again later.  Thanks for checking in!